Sunday, 2 September 2012


The recent challenge to the Turkish people in the French parliament on the genocide denial by the Turkish government which the lower parliament of France passed is an indication that the Ottoman empire committed  grievous crimes against the Armenians and the French people are interested in bringing justice to the Armenians  The bill made the Turkish government to run some diplomatic marathon for some few months around the world. And since Turkey has not be able to cleanse itself appropriately from that deadly human crisis for years, the crime against humanity has continued to hunt the image of the country continuously.  The recent attempt in giving its military assistance and financial support to armed men fighting its regional neighbor, explains much about its repeated history which is similar to the support that the Ottoman empire gave the Kurds against the Armenians some ninety years ago. In addition to the military support its rendering to terrorist organizations that camouflaged themselves as Free Syrian Army, whom are bent on bringing down the Syrian regime and destabilizing the region. It shows that the Turkish leaders are really prepared to consistently repeat their acts on every crisis within and outside their boundaries. Not considering what history has taught them but bent to do everything possible to favor those international and regional powers, that have interest in seeing the end of the Syrian regime through a covert deal it signed with the Western accusers of the Syrian government. The world should not be caught unaware to the reason why Turkey is playing a significant role in seeing to an end Bashir Al- Assad's regime in Syria and why it is effectively helping the rebels and terrorist to achieve both French and other Western allies plans in its region.

                                                   Syrian rebels with an array of weapons

An inept scrutiny will give a better understanding to why prime minister Recep Tayyip  Erdogan, has kept his mouth shut on the Mavi Marmara flotilla attack by the Israeli military, which consumed the lives of nine of his country men in international waters, whom were on their way to Gaza in order to break the siege on that coastal city. And why the cordial relationship which existed between prime minister Recep Tayyip  Erdogan and Bashar Al- Assad went sour immediately after the revolution began in the Middle East. It was not just because Erdogan wanted to be an important player in the middle east political scene but because he has a lot to do in order to exonerate his government and that of his country from any atrocities committed in the past. Even though, the ethnic group that they both committed the acts of terror together during the Ottoman empire, have apologized for their evil actions against the Armenians which occurred in the early years of the Twentieth century. Turkish officials remain adamant on the matter and insisted that it was not a genocide but a war. When the marriage of convenience ended between the Kurds and the Turkish people due to the Kurdish plan for self rule, and in order for the Kurdish people to gain support for their mission in the region, the Kurdish people and their political parties decided to apologized for their wrong doings in killing the Armenians.

 Many Western officials agreed to the fact that the Armenians suffered human and material losses in the hands of the Ottoman empire between 1915-1923, and are of the opinion that, Turkey need to apologizes and pay compensations for the crimes it committed. But that acknowledgement can only be achieved when pressure is mounted on the Turkish government by many western officials for it to acknowledge its role in the massacre  The Arab revolution gave prime minister Erdogan a better opportunity to technically exonerate Turkey from accepting the fact that genocide was committed against the Armenians during the Ottoman empire, the Syrian crisis opened an avenue to seal a deal with the French government and its western allies, and they have agreed to soften the pedals on the Armenian genocide claims.  The Turkish government decided to work in concert with the Western capitals agenda on Syria and this deal has secured the Turkish government a safe haven from being pressured on the Armenian genocide by the West. To fulfill its part of the deal, Turkey has to aggressively play along to trap the Syrian regime by using all available means and in adopting such, it remembered the Ottoman empire introduced a law known as Article 116 which targeted and restricted the Armenians from possessing arms. But in the Syrian scenario its targeted plan for the Syrian regime is in the name of a No Fly Zone at the United Nations Security Council which it believed would gain much support in the UN. The Erdogan government has been actively playing a role to achieve the No Fly Zone resolution by encouraging and opening all fronts within its territory for the Free Syrian Army and other terrorist organizations to create more humanitarian disaster in the country.

The knowledge of the Libyan revolution which ousted Mohamad Gahddafi of Libya through the No Fly Zone adopted by the security council and executed by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) became an eye opener for many world powers and its still fresh in the memory of many international political players mind. The activities of  NATO member nations and its air-power in the revolution changed the concept of No Fly Zone from an empty skies, where no military aircraft flies within a particular designated territory to an air space dominated by military jets owned by the Allied forces and supporters of the revolution (rebels)to target the government officials and the leader. The Libyan drama being fresh in the memory of many, made the Russian ambassador to the United Nations said the concept of No Fly Zone has been changed to an attacking position of choice by superior powers which simply means attacking Syria will be even more disastrous.

Attacking Syria and changing its regime would be a difficult task by any nation without the support of all members of the security council and since the Libyan No Fly Zone was a disaster regretted by those who voted for it. Because of its massive unaccounted death rate which was prompted by the NATO air raids and total destruction of  social infrastructure that followed, China and Russia will not be willing to give any support to such plans in Syria and would probably do their best to stand against such resolutions in the council. The best way would be to secure a political settlement between various parties in Syria just like it was done in Lebanon after several years of its civil war. The Syrian government has issued its stand on a political settlement which shows its readiness to solve the crisis but the opposition supported by regional powers feel they can bring to an end the regimes lifetime and for that purpose the opposition and the Free Syrian Army are not willing to enter into negotiations with the government in Syria.

For how long will the Ottoman Turkey run away from the alleged crimes it committed against the Armenians and how much confidence does it have in its allies? Or does it feel with what its doing now in Syria the Armenian question would not be raised in the future? Why is Turkey always being found on the wrong side of regional conflict and always repeating history? While the Israeli have paid compensations to the family members of those activist that were killed in the Mavi Marmara attack through a Jewish organization in Turkey, would Turkey be willing to do the same to the Armenians? Or does the Turkish government thinks keeping its mouth shut against the crimes committed by the Israeli commandos would make a difference and the issue of the Armenian genocide would never be revisited forever to avoid being accused of genocide? if it believes doing this will not open a new chapter on the Armenian genocide its thinking must be wrong. The Turkish people should watch their prime minister's foreign policy at close range and fashion it towards the interest of the Turkish people because it seems Erdogan is living in a fantasy world for now. And for Erdogan, he should watch carefully not fall into the same trap which Charles Taylor was accused of in Sierra Lone.  The Turkish parliament and its people must start to ruminate upon the activities of their prime minister early before he takes the nation on a journey of no return in Syria.

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